Begonia prismatocarpa


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Native to: Western tropical Africa

Begonia prismatocarpa is a smaller species that is perfect for vivaria/terraria of any size. It can be grown both terrestrially and epiphytically. It blooms almost constantly with little yellow flowers which will unassumingly brighten up your vivarium. The leaves typically reach around 1″ long in our experience and it is easy to care for in vivarium conditions. Requires high humidity.

This species can be sensitive to disturbance. Fresh cuttings may lose foliage when transplanted, but if kept in a vivarium condition (high humidity, medium lighting), they should bounce back and start putting out new leaves.


To get a cutting started, keep the node in contact with damp substrate like sphagnum moss, without covering the entire stem. It will root well into substrates like ABG or potting mix, but we recommend using sphagnum moss along with it to keep the plant from drying out.

Please feel free to message us if you have any concern or question about rooting a cutting.




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