Oophaga pumilio ‘Escudo’


We are currently offering a free springtail culture on calcium clay per frog on all frog orders. For example, if you purchase 3 frogs, we will ship you 3 cultures for free. Springtail cultures will ship separately via USPS Priority Mail and we will also cover the shipping cost (for the cultures). Our LAG policy also applies to these complimentary cultures. 

Our breeder pair came from Robert Nhan.

If you are interested in purchasing our frog(s), please fill out the inquiry form below. We will get back to you with a shipping quote and the total price.

Shipping will be discussed and arranged via email, according to weather/temperatures and your availability for a pick-up at your local FedEx hub.

Please click here and familiarize yourself with our shipping policies and live arrival guarantee before sending us an inquiry.

Out of Stock



Oophaga pumilio ‘Escudo’ is a very small locale from the island of Escudo in Panama. They are one of the smallest pumilio locales, while there has been a debate about this locale possibly being a separate species of Oophaga.

They are best kept as pairs or trios, as males are territorial and can be aggressive towards each other. Like other Oophaga species, the parents (usually Dad) carry their tadpoles to small bodies of water, and the female feeds them with infertile eggs. If you have a breeding pair or trio, be sure to have plenty of springtails around to seed your tank as newly morphed froglets can go weeks unnoticed.



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