Rhaphidophora pachyphylla


*This species is now available as cuttings.*

You will receive a fresh cutting with at least 10 leaves.

2 in stock



Native to: New Guinea

Rhaphidophora pachyphylla is a small shingler that grows well in vivarium conditions. It does best when provided something to climb, such as a background or plank. The foliage will lay tightly against the surface where it’s growing. The leaves reach up to 3/4″ long and have an interesting texture. The stem of this shingler is rather brittle and easy to break, but even if the tip of the plant breaks off, it pushes out a new growth point right away. This species is extremely easy to root, and will meander and crisscross through backgrounds, making it a fun addition to your vivarium.

PLEASE NOTE: Although we take the utmost care packing our plants, due to its tendency to be brittle, we cannot be responsible for broken stems of Rhaphidophora pachyphylla resulting from mishandling during shipping. We guarantee that you will receive a healthy, well started rooted plant and that it will continue to grow with a new growth tip if kept under moderate light with high humidity.



To get a cutting started, keep the underside of the vine in contact with a damp substrate like sphagnum moss, without covering the entire stem. Requires high humidity.

Please feel free to message us if you have any concern or question about rooting a cutting.



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