Asplenium sp. ‘Thread Leaf’


Out of stock



Native to: Ecuador

Asplenium sp. ‘Thread Leaf’ is a wonderful miniature fern that thrives in vivarium conditions. The bright green fronds are thin and reach 4-5″ long. Though the fronds may appear delicate and easy to melt away, this little fern is very eager to root into sphagnum moss. It seems happy to stay constantly moist and spreads by rhizomes, forming a new clump. Rhizomes seem to spread more readily in a moist substrate like sphagnum moss; when potted, a new frond often emerges from a hole in the bottom of the pot. We’ve still had great success mounting it on a background wall or on ledges of cork bark, and rhizomes will spread over the cork as long as it stays moist. Over time Asplenium sp. ‘Thread Leaf’ will form an eye-catching feathery colony that adds to the variety and character of your tropical vivarium.


To get a cutting started, keep the base of the plant in contact with a damp substrate like sphagnum moss. Make sure the ambient humidity is high.

Please feel free to message us if you have any concern or question about rooting a cutting.


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